Co-founder Brad Siegal: Happy Anniversary BUTS

Happy Anniversary BUTS. Wow, it doesn’t seem like 10 years ago, this whole thing started. I think, in order to understand how BUTS started, we need to go back in time…(movie theme music playing with fade out)…
It all started for me in November of 1963…however, to go back that far, I require beer or expensive allocated bourbon… so let’s jump ahead to 2006/2007/2008.
John, Kyle and I all met doing the short circuit triathlons in the area. Kyle, John and Katie Gregg all completed full ironmen within 3-4 years of starting that adventure. Greg was a friend through this process as we progressed from triathlons to marathons WHICH eventually led John, Kyle and Greg to ultras. During this time, Kyle, John, Greg and Katie Gregg had some meetings/beer sessions on starting a trail group to complement the existing Birmingham Track Club group that had long been established.
What do they do nex? Call their lawyer friend Brad. We spent the first many months getting incorporated, filing for tax-exempt status, setting up bank accounts, and the three of them running long trail races all over the place. It was pretty exciting getting going. Several people who were friends were invited to join the initial board. Meetings were held at establishments that sold beer or in our basements. T-Shirt designs and logo designs were engineered with, if memory serves, 30-40 initial shirts being done. Dues were paid by check, a couple of races were started…AND OFF WE GO. After BUTS incorporated, a friend of ours asked about helping BTC incorporate, which we were happy to help with. Funny how we are all tied together in this awesome running community.
From the beginning til now, it is super exciting to meet and enjoy the group who has assumed leadership over BUTS after our initial start-up. I think many new friends have been made due to this club. Hopefully BUTS has been a great source of development and assistance in creating a great running community and long lasting friendships. If you haven’t met a new person at a BUTS event, make that your plan.
With so many people participating in the mission of what BUTS stands for, I expect great things from this Stichtenoth/Gregg/Wingo/Gregg “idea.” Cheers to you all and Happy Anniversary BUTS.
Brad Siegal is a Commercial Real Estate Lawyer at Maynard Nexsen
(Recent posts from Wingo and Stichtenoth)